Workplace lighting

Ob zu Hause am Bürotisch oder im Großraumbüro, wo gearbeitet wird, benötigen wir Licht. Licht beeinflusst unsere Stimmung und Leistung und sollte beim Einrichten des Büros von großer Bedeutung sein, damit wir uns da wohlfühlen wo wir maximale Leistungen erbringen möchten.

We need the right light for every workplace.

Whether working from home or in an open-plan office – wherever people work, we need light. Light influences our mood and performance. It should therefore be given great importance when designing an office, so that we can feel comfortable where we work hard.
Today's lighting methods are able to take individual human needs into account. This means that mood, working hours and areas of responsibility are different. And so, lighting, which promotes people's health and performance, should also be adapted accordingly.

Workplace lighting – the essentials at a glance:

  • Optimum illuminance 500 lux
  • Avoid glare and shadows
  • Ensure correct positioning of lights (pendant lights, standard lamps, desk lamps)
  • Direct and indirect light ensure uniform illumination
  • Lighting control (dimming) enhances human sensitivity

We would be glad to help you find the right lighting for your workplace!

A detailed report on workplace lighting can be found HERE.